
Mar 23, 20205 min


National Day of prayer

The truth of the topic lies in the fact that even in the midst of the storm there was calm.

Because we are all flustered and confused doesn’t mean that this is all there is to it.
Because our environment may be chaotic does not mean that there isn’t calm.

Where ever Jesus is there is calm but we must acknowledge and receive it.

How many times in our lives we begin with Jesus but forget He is there, until we face some unexpected turbulence and after we have done all we reach for Him?

We cannot resist the typological realities of this episode.

  1. The sea or bodies of water in scripture is usually a representation of evil, death and chaos. It’s enormity reminds us that we are but a speck in it and have no control over it.

  2. The boat represents the constructed system designed for us to safely stay afloat and successfully navigate above the dangerous nature of life.

  3. The disciples are a representation of the children of God.

1. The journey belongs to Him.

So they are at one place in life and Jesus says let’s go to the other side.

The reality of life is that we must remember during our progress we will encounter storms. Remaining in the same place because of the possibility of a storm is nonsensical because storms come where you are.

It’s better the storm comes when you are in the process of God’s will rather than stuck in the same place in disobedience.

Jesus is a part of this excursion because He says let us go to the other side. This episode reveals a critical issue with us as Christians.

Many begin with Jesus but some time during the journey cease engaging with Him so much so that He is virtually asleep in our lives.

Reason for this is because we take every journey as the same forgetting that there is no guarantee that it will be as the one we last took or ever taken before.

2. Others are on that same journey

We recognize in the text that while we forget the involvement of others that there were others present.

The word says there were other little ships.

This states two us clearly these truths:

A. that on the sea of life there are many others even if we become selfish because we have Jesus in our boats. They are there.

B. In this journey we may be the ones through whom safety comes to others.

The questions can be reasonably asked:

  • Have we considered these ships? Have we recognized their existence?

  • Where were these little ships during this storm?

  • What happened to them after the storm?

The reality is that we are not the only ones in peril. Many connected to us are in peril but the significant thing is that they know that Jesus is in our boat and their survival depends on our relationship with Him.

3. Because it worked before it may not always work

Here it is that these seasoned fishermen are in the boat that they have possibly built and have worked on for years, on a familiar place on which they have operated for years. They ought to have had some faith in the boat, because it has never failed them up to this point.

Here it is that these seasoned fishermen are in the boat that they have possibly built and have worked on for years, on a familiar place on which they have operated for years. They ought to have had some faith in the boat, because it has never failed them up to this point.hey ought to have had some faith in the boat, because it has never failed them up to this point.They ought to have had some faith in the boat, because it has never failed them up to this point.

They ought to have had some faith in themselves because this is familiar ground.

The challenge that brings the crisis

  1. There are times when what you have trusted in for years begin to fail you.

  2. There are times when the familiar environment begins to show some manifestations that you have never seen before.

These are the times when God gets our attention. These are the times when we begin to reduce our interests in life to what is important and valuable.

  • You thought the job was IT until in this season the circumstances around begin to enter it and affect the security it provides.

  • You thought the company you started was IT until the global economy starts to threaten its ability to remain afloat.

  • You thought your family was IT until the stress of the entire environment begins to come home and manifest in anger and misunderstandings for simple matters.

  • You thought you were IT until the challenges and questions begin to overwhelm you that you feel you are drowning in a sea on uncertainty and there’s nothing to hold on to.

3. The Calm was present even before the storm

What we recognize too late many times is that God prepared us for what was coming, but in many cases we ignored it.

In times like these we remember Jesus.

He retreated to the hinder parts of our lives so as to not be in our way to bother us as it were. He is asleep so as to not disturb our focus on all that’s happening in our lives.

All the while He is present.

What a great Saviour, relegated from being at the front to guide and to calm the seas by His very presence, He steps forward in our time of greatest need and speaks peace.

The revelation here is profound that with all of the chaos, calm is present but we didn’t know. Jesus was never bothered he was calm.

Calm in this season is not a state of affairs but calm is in the person of Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace.

Barbara Fairchild sings it this way

“He was there all the time
He was there all the time
Waiting patiently in line
He was there all the time”

As the episode draws to a close Jesus asks a question, like He doesn’t already know the answer. But, finally conversation has started again.

Why are you so fearful? How is it you have no faith?

The Bible does not articulate an answer but as humans these questions are for us and demand an answer today.

The answers may vary:

Lord I was in your presence but never was intimate with you.

Lord I am in your presence but my life is not right with you.

Lord I trusted in many other things and never really trusted you.

Lord when you were speaking I was not listening.

Lord I trusted in my own strength and abilities to take me through this journey.

Lord I have seen you do many things but never believed you will do it for me.

Lord I did not really know you as I should for the times I have been with you.

Prayer for the nation.

  1. You are not alone on the journey but you play a significant role of leadership.

  2. The storm is in direct proportion to your destiny and promise.

  3. The storm is not about the ship but about who is in the ship.

  4. There’s an opportunity for revelation in this storm.

  5. Let’s us redefine our focus to the most important thing in life.

  6. A relationship with Jesus.

  7. Faith is not based on being in His presence but knowing His power.

  8. Godly fear brings worship.


Sermon of: Pastor Eric Peters

Venue: The Power in the Blood Assembly during Sunday Morning worship

Date: 22 March 2020
